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      • 漢語拼音: qí wù lùn 解釋: 莊子篇名。 內容敘述萬物自適判準難定,終而肯定一切人與物的獨特意義,及其價值。齊物論
  1. 齊物論由造成人心貪執與逐物不返的認知作用進行了認識論式的層層分析,以解剖其成. 心成見之構成因。 再對人的認知與心理上之貪執、競求後,再由本體宇宙論的制高點,辨析世人. 見聞之知與思辨之知的侷限與困境,從而解說宇宙人生的動態歷程及其真相,導引人超拔於相對. 之知的泥沼,解脫偏見的束縛而獲致心靈的形上智慧及處世的生存智慧。 王守仁(公元一四七二. ~一五二八年)字伯安,浙江餘姚人,學者稱為陽明先生。 他晚年(五十六歲)作〈大學問〉一. 文拈出人與天地物為一體的「一體之仁」說。 一體之仁,在於致良知的一點靈明,而向整個存在. 界起無限的感通作用。 在本體論上,莊子「道通為一」的「道」是統攝天地萬物之本根,為客觀. 的存有學取向。

  2. 2019年4月1日 · Abstract. This essay analyses the second chapter of the Zhuangzi 莊子, the “Qiwulun 齊物論.”. After a brief examination of its main ideas, it will be argued that the “Qiwulun” needs to be considered not as an equalization that makes everything indistinguishable but as a discourse on corresponding things.

    • Massimiliano Lacertosa
    • 2019
  3. The Adjustment of Controversies (齊物論) - full text database, fully browsable and searchable on-line; discussion and list of publications related to The Adjustment of Controversies. In English and simplified and traditional Chinese.

  4. Introduction. For a brief introduction to Zhuangzi, please visit Zhuangzi-Qiushui . In this reading session, Chapter 2 — The article of Qiwu Lun (The Adjustment of Controversies) from the Inner Chapters are discussed.

  5. 齊物論第二. Chapter Two: Qi Wu Lun (Leveling All Things) 南郭子綦隱机而坐,仰天而噓,荅焉如喪其耦。 顏成子游立侍乎前, 曰:「何居乎? 形固可使如槁木,而心固可使如死灰乎? 今之隱机者, 非昔之隱机者也。 Nan-guo Zi-qi sat, casting a shadow over his low table. Then he raised his head toward heaven and sighed, sundered as though one who had lost his companion.

  6. 2021年5月1日 · In this paper I argue that the Qíwùlùn 齊物論 chapter, like so many other ancient writings, is composed in a concentric, chiastic pattern, with sections in each half mirroring each other throughout,...

  7. 風濟則眾竅為虛。 而獨不見之調調,之刁刁 乎?” fēng jì zé zhòng qiào qiào wéi xū. ér dú bú jiàn zhī tiáo tiáo zhī diāo diāo hū. 子游曰:“地籟則眾竅是已,人籟則比竹是已。 敢問天. zǐ yóu yuē dì lài zé zhòng qiào shì yǐ rén lài zé bǐ zhú shì yǐ gǎn wèn tiān. 籟。 lài. 子綦曰: “ 夫吹萬不同,而使其自己也,咸其自取,怒. zǐ qí yuē.

  8. Ernst-Joachim Vicrheller (Hamburg) Language is the subject of a section in chapter 2, “Qi wu lun” 齊物論,“On equalizing things”, of the Zhuangzi 莊于’ the well known collection of early Taoist texts.1 he section contains phraseology also found in the chapter “Zhi wu lun 指物論’ “On classifying things", of the Gongsun ...

  9. 2014年1月1日 · Philosophical interpretations of the Zhuangzi have taken as their center the abstract discussions in the second of the Inner Chapters, the Qi Wu Lun. Ever since Guo Xiang in the Jin dynasty, the text has been read as advocating linguistic, ethical, and epistemological relativism.

  10. The 齊物論 Qiwulun chapter is perhaps the most controversial and difficult chapter of the Zhuangzi, not only philosophically speaking, but also semantically so. Indeed, precisely because of this semantic difficulty that the chapter proves to be more philosophically challenging.